MyBMU – Remote Monitoring Platform
MyBMU is a customised web-based portal developed by Alimak Group to enhance the safe and efficient use of facade access systems from CoxGomyl. The remote monitoring portal provides users with up-to-date information on their facade access equipment from Alimak Group.
The portal displays various operational information, with data collected and displayed in an easy-to-read format. The benefit of this data is immense to support the overall asset management for owners by anticipating necessary maintenance and repairs as required, enhancing safety, ensuring maximum product uptime, and minimising downtime due to repairs.
What is MyBMU?
MyBMU will become part of the facade access systems for most of the CoxGomyl product range from 2023. This new tool will provide vital data insights on equipment, eliminating the guesswork of predicting maintenance requirements for building maintenance units.
Information such as the number of starts and hours in operation provides owners with an accurate analysis of how the equipment is utilised.
The MyBMU portal provides the maintenance team, operators, and product owners with access to:
How does it work?
MyBMU is empowered via remote monitoring of state-of-the-art PLC systems utilised in CoxGomyl building maintenance units (BMUs). The products are equipped with a router to send data from the BMUs and are certified to ISO 27001, the internationally recognised standard for information security.
The connectivity system supports the remote diagnosis of facade access equipment without the need for unnecessary site visits. By functioning as a fault tracing tool, owners can remain in control of their building maintenance unit from anywhere in the world. The data can also help the supply-chain team track assets, take stock of inventory, and forecast and schedule predictive maintenance programs.